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Murano glass museums

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From: Murano, the Glass Island

Murano glass museum

ABOVE: The Museo Vetrario, or Glass Museum, is on the Canale San Donato, just around the corner from the Museo waterbus stop.

Museo Vetrario

Museo Vetrario signMurano's fascinating Museo Vetrario, a.k.a. the Glass Museum or Museum of Glass, offers a century-by-century tour of Venetian glassmaking.

The city-owned museum is located in the Palazzo Giustinian near the island's center.

It has samples of glass from Egyptian times through the present day, and the displays show how the art and manufacture of glass developed over the centuries.

Reaching the museum: The Museo Vetrario is on the Fondamenta Giustinian, between the Museo Actv (waterbus) stop and the Basilica of Santi Maria e Donato.

As you get off the boat at Museo, turn right, follow the fondamenta or canal sidewalk around the corner, and continue a short distance to the museum.

Accessibility: A staircase leads to the museum galleries, but a wheelchair lift is due to be installed at some point in the future. (E-mail for current details.)

For up-to-date information, including ticket prices, see the English-language Museo del Vetro Web site.

The Barovier & Toso Museum

Barvovier & Toso, a long-established glassmaking dynasty and manufacturer of art glass on Murano, has a private museum with some 250 objects in the Palazzo Contarini (a.k.a. the Palazzo Borovier & Toso) on the Fondamenta Vetrai.

It also has an archive with more than 22,000 drawings, photos, and other documents related to glass.

The Palazzo and the museum were open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. the last time we checked. See the Palazzo page of the Barovier & Toso Web site for more information.

Next page: Glass factories

In this Murano travel guide:
Murano (introduction)
Glass museums
Glass factories
Sightseeing on Murano
Hotels, B&Bs, apts
Restaurants & cafés
Tourist information
Glass repair & mosaic courses
More Murano photos

Also see:
Venice Islands Tour (by public transportation)

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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