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Erfurt: Where to Stay

From: Erfurt, Germany


ABOVE: Comfortable tourist rooms with private bath are available at the Augustinerkloster, where Martin Luther began his religious career.

Hotels and guesthouses

Erfurt has several dozen hotels and guesthouses, ranging from simple Pensionen to four-star business hotels. I recommend choosing a hotel in the medieval center, which is more atmospheric and convenient for sightseeing than the newer districts beyond the Innenstadt.

I stayed in two places during my visit: Hotel am Kaisersaal, a very comfortable middle-class hotel on Futterstrasse near Wenigeplatz, and the Augustinerkloster or Augustianian Monastery where Martin Luther took his vows as a monk in 1505. Both are in the heart of town.

For a large selection of Erfurt hotel and guesthouse listings (with photos and reviews by paying customerts), go to Europe's no. 1 secure reservations service:

Youth hostels, camping

Erfurt's official DJH youth hostel is the Jugendherberge Hochheimerstrasse in the southern part of the city, near the end station of tram line 5.

For camping, try Erfurt am See in suburban Kühnhausen, which is an 11-minute ride by commuter train from Erfurt's main railroad station.

Next page: Erfurt restaurants, food

In this article:
Erfurt, Germany
History and background
Martin Luther in Erfurt
Where to stay
Restaurants, food
Guidebooks, maps
Tourist information

More about Erfurt:
Erfurt photo gallery - 105 pictures with captions
Augustinerkloster - The monastery where Luther took his vows
Alte Synagogue - Old Synagogue
German Christmas Markets: Erfurt
Hotel am Kaiser

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Luther Cities