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VW Factory Tours

From: Volkswagen's Autostadt

photo by Rainier Jensen


ABOVE: The Autostadt is immediately adjacent to the VW factory in Wolfsburg, which is connected to the car towers by a robot-driven conveyor system.

Tours of the Volkswagenfabrik in Wolfsburg

Volkswagen claims that its Wolfsburg factory is the largest auto plant in the world. According to the park's official guide (published in several languages by Merian), "the Principality of Monaco would fit into the halls alone."

The Volkswagenfabrik has 75 km or 46 miles of streets, employs 23,000 people, and has 1,140 robots. The fire department alone has a staff of 76.

The VW factory even has its own butcher shop, which processes some 500 tons of meat for 1.5 million curry sausages per year. In addition to Currywurste, the factory produces cars: about 4,000 daily, mostly Golfs, Jettas, and other variations on the Golf platform.

On work days, Volkswagen offers a WerkTour or factory tour. Click here for more information and a booking form.

Next page: Driver training

What to see and do:
Volkswagen Autostadt
GroupForum - Piazza
ZeitHaus museum
Brand pavilions
VW factory tours
Driver training
Car towers, delivery center
Restaurants, shopping

Practical advice:
Getting to Wolfsburg
Ritz-Carlton, Wolfsburg (hotel)

Related article:
Phaeno - Wolfsburg's science museum