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Sex in Berlin

From: Berlin city guide

Where to find street prostitutes, escort services, brothels, and other sex providers in Berlin--and why you might want to think twice before you go looking.


ABOVE: Sculptures find relief on a Berlin façade.

Sex and prostitution

Berlin Sex Guide
Where to find street prostitutes, escort services, brothels, and other sex providers in Berlin--and why you might want to think twice before you go looking.

Berlin Prostitution No Longer Immoral
This archived BBC News reports on changing social attitudes and government policy toward sex workers in Germany.
According to Berlin Spectator, many Eastern European sex workers are being beaten and exploited by criminal gangs. An organization named "Neustart" ("New Start") is trying to give them an escape.

"One Step from Hell"
The Guardian describes how young male Afghan and Iranian refugees are selling sex in the Tiergarten to survive.

24 Hours in Berlin's Red Light District
This hour-by-account of a sex worker's life originally appeared in Vice Germany.

Lights Out for the Kurfürstenstrasse Sex Strip?
The Berliner asks, "Could it soon be closing time for Berlin's most famous red-light hotspot?"

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