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Walking directions to MyPlace Campo Santa Margherita (with map)

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MyPlace Campo Santa Margherita

Normally, we don't include vacation apartments in our hotel directions, but we've made an exception in this case for a simple reason: MyPlace Campo Santa Margerita is one of the most convenient places to stay if you're arriving or departing at the San Basilio cruise terminal (which is used by small to mid-size ships and river vessels such as Uniworld's La Venezia and CroisiEurope's Michelangelo).

The building, which was completely renovated in 2017, offers half a dozen one- and two-bedroom apartments, some with balconies or terraces.

The apartments are thoroughly modern, and the location couldn't be better: It's at a corner of the Campo Santa Margherita, a large and lively square with park benches, restaurants, bars, shops, gelaterie, and a handful of market stalls.

How to reach MyPlace Campo Santa Margherita from the San Basilio cruise terminal:

MyPlace Campo Santa Margherita directions map

  1. Leave the terminal by the main doors, which are at the end of the building.

  2. You'll see a small wooden bridge ahead of you. Cross the bridge. (This is the only bridge you'll need to cross.)

  3. Walk a short distance to the first corner, near the ACTV vaporetto station, and turn left into the Calle del Vento.

  4. Walk straight ahead, continue across a tiny square, and keep walking along the canal. Continue around the corner where the canal curves to the right.

  5. After a few minutes, you'll reach a large square with a big church, the Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Carmini.

  6. Cross the square and walk along the side of the church.

  7. Turn left at the first corner, into the Calle de la Scuola.

  8. Walk past the Scuola Grande dei Carmini (on your left) and the Marco Polo bookstore (on your right). MySpace Campo Santa Margherita will be just ahead of you, on your right.

From the Alilaguna Linea Blu airport-boat pier at Zattere:

  1. Exit Alilaguna's floating boat platform and turn left.

  2. Walk straight ahead to the stone bridge, cross it, and keep going for 10 minutes or so until you reach the ACTV vaporetto stop at San Basilio.

  3. Turn right into the Calle del Vento (opposite the vaporetto stop) and follow the directions above from step 4.

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MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by Anders Imboden, using base data from the Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license IODL-2.0.

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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