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Walking directions to Hotel Conterie (Murano), with map

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Hotel Locanda Conterie - Murano

The three-star Hotel Conterie is operated by a family that has been making glass in Murano since the 1500s. It has 26 rooms, a private garden, and a pleasant location on a quiet street near the Basilica of Santi Maria e Donato and the Glass Museum.

From late April through early November, you can take the Alilaguna Linea Rossa airport boat to Murano Museo and walk a short distance to the hotel without crossing any bridges. (Alilaguna's Linea Blu serves a more distant waterbus platform, Murano Colonna, year-round.)

How to reach Hotel Conterie from the Alilaguna stop at Murano Museo:

Hotel Conterie map directions

  1. As you leave the boat platform, turn right.

  2. Follow the canalside pavement past the Museo del Vetro (Glass Museum) and the Basilica.

  3. Around the next bend, you'll see a grey stone bridge ahead of you. Turn left about a block before the bridge, into a street paved in flagstones. This will be the Calle de le Conterie.

  4. Walk down the Calle de le Conterie toward the smokestacks of a glass factory. The Hotel Conterie will be on your right, at No. 21.

Hotel Conterie sign

From Alilaguna's Linea Blu boat stop at Colonna (Marco Polo Airport and the Marittima cruise terminals):

  1. As you leave the Colonna boat stop, turn right and follow the waterfront, which will curve left into a canal.

  2. Head inland on the fondamenta or pavement next to the canal. (The street is named the Fondamenta dei Vertrai.)

  3. Continue walking along the canal until you've passed the San Pietro Martire Church and reached a junction with a wider canal.

  4. Cross the large bridge over the wide canal.

  5. As you leave the bridge, bear right and walk along the waterfront for a minute or two.

  6. When you reach the Murano Museo waterbus stop, follow the directions above.

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MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by Anders Imboden, using base data from the Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license IODL-2.0.

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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