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Walking directions to Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino (with map)

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Hotel Bel Sito sign

The Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino (or, more simply, the Hotel Bel Sito) shares a pleasant campo with several other hotels, including the four-star Palazzo del Giglio and one of Venice's top luxury hotels, the historic Gritti Palace. It's easy to reach on foot from two Alilaguna airport-boat stops.

The 34-room hotel is decorated in traditional Venetian style and has free Wi-Fi in the lobby. Pets are welcome, with no extra fees.

How to reach the Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino from the Santa Maria del Giglio airport-boat pier (Alilaguna Linea Arancio):

Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino map

  1. Leave the Alilaguna boat and walk straight ahead, down the Calle Gritti, until the street widens into a small square.

  2. Turn left into the street that faces you. The Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino's entrance will be across the street, opposite the church.

For a video preview of your walk, click below:

From the San Marco Giardinetti airport-boat pier (Alilaguna Linea Blu):

Hotel Bel Sito & Berlino map directions

  1. As you leave the boat station, turn left and cross a small stone bridge.

  2. Continue a few meters to the Calle Vallaresso and turn right.

  3. Walk straight ahead down the Calle Vallaresso, past Harry's Bar and a row of designer shops.

  4. At the first corner, turn left into the Salizzada San Moisè.

  5. Walk to the narrow canal alongside the Hotel Bauer, where you'll see gondolas on your left and a small bridge just ahead.

  6. Cross the bridge and walk straight ahead into the Calle Larga XXII Marzo.

  7. Walk to the end of the street and bear left at the corner.

  8. After the street jogs, walk straight ahead on the Calle Ostreghe.

  9. Cross the next bridge, continue a few meters to the Campo Santa Maria Giglio, and look for the Hotel Bel Sito's sign (see photo above).

From the Marittima cruise terminals:

  1. Take the Alilaguna Blue Line airport boat from the cruise basin to the San Marco Giardinetti boat stop.

  2. Follow the directions from San Marco Giardinetti above.

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MAP CREDITS: Walking maps by Anders Imboden, using base data from the Comune di Venezia and Regione Veneto under license IODL-2.0.

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden has written about Venice, Italy since 1996. He covered Venice and European travel at for 4-1/2 years before launching Europe for Visitors (including Venice for Visitors) with Cheryl Imboden in 2001.

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