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Vaporetti in convoy

From: Vaporetto Sights & Sounds

Vaporetti in convoy

These two water buses are on the Grand Canal.

The boat up ahead is the No. 1 vaporetto, which stops at all stations between the Piazzale Roma, the Piazza San Marco, and the Lido.

The boat in the foreground is a motoscafo that heads up the Cannaregio Canal and curves around the northwestern tip of the city toward the Fondamenta Nuove (the main arrival and departure point for boats serving the nearby San Michele island cemetery and Murano, an island where Venetian glass has been made for more than 700 years).

NOTE: Although the single-deck vaporetti are wheelchair- and stroller-accessible, motoscafi are split-level boats with a small central boarding area and stairs leading down to the front and rear cabins. Visitors in wheelchairs should avoid problems by using routes (such as No. 1 on the Grand Canal) that are officially designated as being wheelchair-accessible. See my Accessible Venice article for details.

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