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Pizzeria Al Faro

Map and Directions

From: Pizzeria Al Faro restaurant review

Pizzeria-Trattoria Al Faro is located in the Ghetto Vecchio ("Old Ghetto"), just up the Cannaregio Canal from the Ponte delle Guglie.

If you're walking from the train station, head toward Cannaregio along the Lista di Spagna, cross the Ponte della Guglie bridge, turn left, and walk a short distance up the canal until you see an arched passageway leading toward the Ghetto. Head down the narrow Calle del Ghetto Vecchio until you reach Al Faro, which will be on your left.

If you're coming by boat, take the No. 52 vaporetto from the Piazzale Roma or the railroad station toward the Fondamenta Nuove and Murano. Get off at the Ponte delle Guglie stop, which is a few steps from the Ghetto entrance.

Pizzeria-Trattoria Al Faro
3021 Venezia
Cannaregio, 1181
Campo del Ghetto Vecchio

Tel. 041/716871

Closed Tuesdays

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Map: Pizzeriaa Al Faro.