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Car Travel

Europe for Visitors

Driving in Europe
Information and links on trip planning, car rentals, short-term leases, traffic laws, International Driving Permits, and more.

Car Rentals: When to Rent, When to Lease
Use the comparison chart in this article to help determine whether you should consider a traditional car rental or a short-term lease.

Rental-Car Insurance
Do you need liability insurance in Europe? Should you pay extra for a Collision Damage Waiver, or can you rely on your credit card's free coverage?

Short-Term Car Leasing
If you're driving in Europe for 21 days or longer, short-term leasing through Peugeot or Citroën can be considerably cheaper than renting. Such tourist, academic, or business leases are tax-free, and rates include zero-deductible insurance coverage.

Car or Train?
Should you tour Europe on four wheels or ride the rails? Use this quiz and related resources to make a wise decision.

International Driving Permit
The IDP is an official document that certifies the validity of your home driver's license in 150 countries. (But beware of so-called "International Driver's License" scams.)

Europe by Van and Motorhome
Relive the '60s in a VW van or cruise the Continent in a land yacht.

Venice for Visitors

Venice-Lido car ferry
Are you driving to Venice and staying on the Lido? You can reach the island by boat--and take your car with you.

Tronchetto parking garage
If you aren't willing to park on the mainland, this is the handiest place to leave your car or camper during a Venice stay.

Switzerland/Austria for Visitors

Driving in Switzerland
Everything you need to know if your family's motto is "Skip the bus and leave the driving to us."

Swiss Traffic Tickets
What to do when you commit a traffic sin in Switzerland and get caught.

Sustenpass road
Take a scenic excursion or a three-pass tour by car, bicycle, or Postal Bus. (The Sustenpass lies between Andermatt and Meiringen at the junction of cantons Bern and Uri.)

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