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Emerald Waterways Cruise Review: Nuremberg to Trier

A river cruise on Emerald Star via the Main-Danube Canal and the rivers Main, Rhine, and Moselle.

Emerald Star in Miltenberg, Germany

ABOVE: Emerald Star arrives in Miltenberg, Germany on its way to the Rhine.

Rhine castle ruinsGermany may be the birthplace of European river cruising: In the 19th Century, long before English-speaking travelers flocked to the inland waterways of Europe, sightseeing boats of companies such as KD Deutsche Rheinschiffahrt and Sächsische Dampfschiffahrt were  carrying daytrippers up and down the Rhine, Moselle, Elbe, and other German rivers.

Even today, when hotel-style ships attract an international audience to waterways from the coasts of Western Europe to the Black Sea, Germany is the spiritual and geographic heart of European river cruising.

Nuremberg river lockAnd so, when we had a chance to cruise with Emerald Waterways in 2016, we chose an all-German itinerary: a journey from Nuremberg to Trier via the Main-Danube Canal and three rivers (the Main, the Rhine, and the Moselle). The cruise on Emerald Star lasted a week and took us past scenery that ranged from medieval castles to some of Germany's finest vineyards.

SCENIC JADE on Rhine(We should note that Emerald Waterways is a subsidiary of Scenic, an Australian company that has offered luxury river cruises in Europe since 2008. Both Emerald Waterways and Scenic Cruises cater to English-speaking travelers from around the world.)

About this review:

EMERALD STAR ship's bellThis Europe for Cruisers review will describe Emerald Star, our cruise's itinerary, and what it's like to cruise aboard a modern "Star-Ship." (Spoiler alert: We had a great time.)

We'll also share our personal day-by-cruise photo diary, which shows what to expect during a voyage between Nuremberg and Trier with Emerald Waterways.

Next page: Emerald Star: the ship

Emerald Waterways cruise review: Nuremberg to Trier
Emerald Star: the ship
Cruise itinerary
Cabins and suites
Dining and lounges
Other amenities
Shore excursions
Officers and crew
Is Emerald Waterways right for you?
Web links

Ship and shore photos:
Emerald Star day-by-day photo diary

About the author:

Durant Imboden photo.Durant Imboden is a professional travel writer, book author, and editor who focuses on Europe.

After 4-1/2 years of covering European travel for, Durant and Cheryl Imboden co-founded Europe for Visitors  (including Europe for Cruisers) in 2001. The site has earned "Best of the Web" honors from Forbes and The Washington Post.

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